Majestic Theater
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Box Office Location:
25 Carlisle St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325

Box Office Hours:

Mon - Thu 3 pm- 7:30pm
Sat, 12 - 7:30 pm
Sun, 1-5:30 pm

Box Office Phone:
(717) 337-8200

Box Office closes 30 minutes after start of last performance or movie.

Promoter Login
Majestic Membership Your continued membership contribution is a vital source of support of the performing arts in Gettysburg.
Thanks to members, in 2023:
·       More than 30,000 people attended live events, movie showings, National Theatre Live presentations, Great Art documentaries, Sunderman Conservatory concerts, and more;
·       The Majestic celebrated the 30th Anniversary of Gettysburg the Movie hosted by Journey Through Hallowed Ground and community partners;
·       The theater Hosted the first commencement for the Gettysburg College – Gilder Lehrman master’s program;
·       The Majestic welcomed the world premiere of “A Gettysburg Christmas.”
Majestic members enjoy a range of benefits including early ticket sale opportunities, free exchanges, and more depending on giving level. Majestic members can also look forward to hearing Majestic news before everyone else, which is especially exciting as we prepare for the theater’s centennial in 2025.

Your membership support is crucial as the Majestic Theater works to bring the best in live entertainment and cinema to Gettysburg. Please select from the following options:
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